The alphabetized picks and round 1 standings for this week's
event are up on the site. We chose 25 golfers. Two years ago
in this tournament we had Dustin "Jar Head" Johnson as a
unanimous pick and we did it again this year. Phil "I'm
Sleeping With My Driver 'Cause Callaway Paid Me To" Mickelson
and Brandt "I'm Sleeping On a Bed Of Cash Now" Snedeker tied for
2nd favorite, showing up on 12 teams each. Paddy "Tiger's the
Only One That Calls Me That" Harrington is on 10 rosters. Nick
"Still Too Dull For a Nickname" Watney got the nod 7 times.
Ryan "No Relation to Arnie" Palmer made the cut for 5 players.
Tim "Fuck The USGA" Clark and Jimmy "J.J." Walker are
four-baggers. Aaron "I Miss Those Chicks From the MacGregor Ads" Baddeley, Lee "I Got To Pick My Pro-Am Partner This Week"
Westwood, Steve "Whiny Pussy" Marino and Webb "Nobody Wins Open"
Simpson are the treys. The deuces include Jim "The Cyclone"
Furyk, Pat "Shafts Snap So Much Easier These Days" Perez, Hunter
"I've Been Playing Well This Year, Why Didn't You Guys Notice?"
Mahan, Brendon "I Don't Capitalize the First Letter of My Last
Name" de Jonge and Robert "The Big Gar" Garrigus.
Eight unique picks for "The Crosby". Dave A. and Mike M. have 2
each. Jordie, Dan, Randy and Mike D. have one each. The
remaining eight players are without unique this week. For at
least the third year in a row no one picked a celebrity, which
is good.
At first glance this looks like a tight bunch of picks, but I
think that's a little deceiving. We have four pretty clear
favorites and only eight uniques, but the uniques, deuces and
treys together add up to almost 70% of the golfers picked. Only
20% of the golfers were picked by more than half of us. We're
still taking some chances. A weekend of bad amateur swings and
idiotic celebrity interviews won't take away from this great set
of picks on a classic golf course. I'm pretty damn sure it's
gonna be a good one...
Let's get it on!